We are all energy, and we can shift instantaneously. I was guided through my journey to explore my deep bond with the water element. I was shown key guidance to modify the structures of water through channelled alchemy. The intention is to support fast shifts in what we need for our state of being in the moment.
My love for travel, allows me to tune into places in nature all around the world, receiving downloads through their elements and deepen understanding that is available through sensory listening.
Connecting with the consciousness of water brings a reinvigorated spark within. Confirming and cherishing that we are all in fact somatic waves in motion.. We are energy, cyclic nature is who we are.
The water element can be charged through energy and vibration. It is genuinely transformable. I am guided to energetically enhance its structures through alchemy that positively impacts the transfer of the resonance of filtered ceremonial water to empower a vibrational pattern shift for us, positively impacting our moods and behaviours.
The enriching re-structure compliments your every day experiences and pathways of expansion, as the types of sensations, patterns and dialogues we have, impact our overall state of being. Our bodies are always receiving, listening and responding to us.
When dosed, new pathways are activated to evolve and nourish our connection to living through a more awakened lens, raising your vibration.
This allows you to become more in touch with your internal rhythms, feel more alive and free on your path as your home within is fuelled by soul direction linked with your highest guidance. They gauge from your daily energy state, so they will activate accordingly to what you need in that moment overall, and also support any experience or intention.
Every bottle has their own unique experience so as you dose, I encourage you to breathe and feel/observe the nature of the energy weaving through you.
You can dose them as daily rituals and/or anytime you want them in the moment to support you and to shift aspects of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states.
They enrich your interactions and experiences through the reflection of yourself, where you will enjoy the power of your signature frequency. Frequency shifts bring movement and creation that is full of opportunity in our worlds, our manifestations, magnetism and levelling up. It all comes back to our vibrational resonance.
You can dose accordingly to your wants, needs, desires and intentions. Remember, water hears our words and prayers - so your intention as you dose will amplify your personal experience.
Anything goes. You can use them individually and also create your own favourite combinations to play with that suit you.
When dosing along side: Ritual, meditation, ceremony, self-development pieces or/and intention, you will witness changes that spark within that surprise and support you. Stay open and curious. Lean into the edge of meeting more of who you truly are. When dosed with intention or alongside goals, they take you to soaring new heights!
You can also use these elixirs anytime on the go as daily staples to bring you into the frequency you desire to enjoy, or use them as a ritual portal.
I advise you to feel and observe when you want/need each elixir as you will start to build your own relationship with them, given the experience will be different for everyone based on simply who you are as a being and your pathway’s in life. The activations work on a very subtle, yet potent level, and also on a larger scale of transformation and clarity when dosing regularly.
Elixir infusion: Uniquely Individual with Aiyana Starseed Light Language Activations and crystalline energy alchemy that is coded into the consciousness of Ceremonial Filtered Water + 1 small droplet of alcohol. (you can also receive it without alcohol).
Starseed energies that are channelled through Daniela:
Avian, Lyran, Sun God Ra, Sirian, Pleiadian + Arcturian + the power of the Elementals.
Feel the energy of each channelled code on the labels, breathe and sense which energy you are drawn to exploring and being supported by.
Every elixir batch is subtly different in its codes and notes, as they are created in the ever flowing and changing energies and upgrades through our full/new moon and universal/astrological portals.
A favourite book resource I recommend if you want to delve further into understanding the intelligence of water— The Hidden Messages in Water by Maseru Emoto